So far, all I have cooked is Millionaire Shortbread and Marbled Chocolate Brownies, and both of them tasted absolutely divine. Okay, so I'll admit, neither of them looked like they did in the book, but hey, as long as they tasted good, that's all that matters, yeah? Anyway, I'm not a professional, and I'm a firm believer that if something tastes lovely, then it really doesn't matter THAT much if it doesn't look perfect. Unless you're serving it to someone special, or at a dinner party, which I wasn't, then it's not 100% important. Both recipes were so super easy to make, and there were hardly any ingredients to buy (which is always an added bonus), and I enjoyed every single minute of it.
Gizzi is the poster girl for the new chef on the block, and she's won so many people over with her funky and cute way of doing things. She's not stuffy, she's not patronising, and she's certainly not into all this fussy, fussy way of doing things. She's a total breath of fresh air, and you really couldn't ask for much more. I find cooking a hell of a lot more enjoyable when the chef I'm following is so bloody passionate about what they are doing. I love it when I see someone that genuinely adores their job, as I feel that comes across to us, their fans.
I'm blogging all about Gizzi and her book, not just because I'm a huge fan of both, but also because I want people to read this, and hopefully part with their money and purchase the book! Seriously, believe me when I say it's worth every single penny! I totally understand that cooking isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I was like that at first, but give it a go, and you just may be pleasantly surprised.
Now, I must go and flick through my cookery book, that Earl Gray Chocolate Fudge Cake recipe is calling my name.
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