Saturday, 21 August 2010

It's been nearly four months since I broke up from University, and to say I'm missing the Southampton girls would be a total understatement. It's extremely weird to go from seeing them every single day, to not seeing them whatsoever. We were always round each others rooms, pre drinking, shopping & hitting the clubs at night. They seriously are the best bunch of friends a girl could possibly ask for, and going to University was possibly the best choice I've ever made.

When I was at school, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I didn't really care either. School was there just for the social side, and all I was bothered about was seeing my friends. When I left, I must admit that I didn't get fantastic grades, but I still managed to get to College to study what I loved; Media Studies. I spent three years there, and left with fantastic marks. I then went through the whole agonising process of waiting for Universities to get back to me, and after a while, Southampton Solent got back to me and offered me an Unconditional offer. Probably the best feeling ever when I found that out.

Basically, I suppose this post is going along the lines of how this past year has been the best year of my life, and it's truly opened my eyes to what I want to do when I leave. University is so amazing, and I've made the best friends in the world. Magazine Journalism and Feature Writing is a gorgeous course, and I 100% hope that one day, I'll end up as successful as Victoria White, Jo Elvin & Louise Court.

Here are a few of my favourite photographs from the past year; I promise you I didn't spend EVERY day rather tipsy :)

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