Anna Wintour (An Wins) is seriously my new idol. She's absolutely amazing, and the fact that I got to go to the same fashion show as her will forever be something I'll always remember. I just love how she wears huge, dark sunglasses sitting in the front row, and won't take them off throughout the whole of it. If something even remotely interests her, apparently she'll tip them down maybe about one or two inches. Simply brilliant. She's the one person that practically everyone is afraid of, she always looks so amazing and fashionable, and everyone looks up to her, and she has a huge fanbase. She's been the editor-in-chief for American Vogue since 1988, and since then, she's made every issue look fantastic. I have a hell of a lot of respect for her, and even though she would probably terrify the hell out of me, I would pretty much give anything to work for her.
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