Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Is it just me
struggling to be motivated to do any Uni work whatsoever? I have so much to do, and I just cannot be bothered! I have an essay, a feature, a blog & background analysis for another feature. seriously FML! that is all I can say! blaaaaaah
Monday, 29 March 2010
i like
i like paris, and the beautiful scenery. i like history. i like glossy magazines. i like sunbathing on sandy beaches. i like uniqueness. i like the idea of graduating in two years. i like kate winslet. i like quotes that fit my life. i like sunsets. i like perfection. i like handbags. i like kryptonite. i like spending money. i like gladiator sandals. i like cute guys. i like people that make me smile. i like receiving hugs. i like my own time. i like laughter fits. i like how life has changed, more so than i thought it ever would.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
deep thoughts
sat here back at home, i've suddenly started thinking about this past year at university. it's rather quite scary to think about how quickly my first year has gone, and i can honestly say that it still feels like only yesterday i was moving into halls. how time flies when you're having fun i suppose! i'm quite sad that i won't be living in hamwic next year, as i've grown to love my room and my flatmates, and i'm really not ready to leave it quite yet. i remember in my first ever lecture, my lecturer saying first year will fly by and me clearly thinking she was just bluffing, well, look where i am now. i have literally not even a month left before we finish for good. how the hell am i going to be a second year so soon?
i've changed a hell of a lot as well, and i love being so independent. i've grown in confidence and i've also made some truly amazing friends since i've been in southampton. i love my course, and i hope second year is just as memorable as first year was. to be honest, i've never believed in the quote "life is way to short", more so than i do right now.
so this post is to my amazing first year at university, the amazing friends i've made and the amazing, memorable and also quite messy nights we've succumbed to. something i'll definitely never forget ♥
i've changed a hell of a lot as well, and i love being so independent. i've grown in confidence and i've also made some truly amazing friends since i've been in southampton. i love my course, and i hope second year is just as memorable as first year was. to be honest, i've never believed in the quote "life is way to short", more so than i do right now.
so this post is to my amazing first year at university, the amazing friends i've made and the amazing, memorable and also quite messy nights we've succumbed to. something i'll definitely never forget ♥
Thursday, 25 March 2010
My Style Inspiration #2
Kate Winslet, has been, and always will be, my style icon. It seems that whatever outfit she chooses to wear, be that stunning dresses on the red carpet, ranging from Ben de Lisi to Yves Saint Laurent, to dressed down trousers and vest, she always looks naturally beautiful. She has the amazing ability to pull off pretty much anything, outfits that wouldn't suit anyone else just looks perfect on her. I'm insanely jealous of the clothes she has possession of, and can only dream of owning the clothes and shoes she has. She's natural, adorable, gorgeous, and a traditional English Rose. Even though she's in her early 30's, Kate still looks as good now as she did ten years ago. She will definitely continue to be a true style icon in years to come.

Guilty Pleasures
After seeing this brilliant idea on someone else's blog, I decided to give it a shot as well, let you dwell in my life :) how do you plead?
♥ Crisps. They are my total weakness and downfall, and although I don't eat as much as I used too, I just can't get enough of them to be honest.
♥ Michael Buble. Do I need to say anymore?
♥ Getting overexcited about the little and simple things, and probably looking like a little kid!
♥ When I used to go on Facebook, I used to join all the groups that related to me. All the time.
♥ Reading everything that is related to Kate Winslet. Definitely my girl crush!
♥ Spending too much money in New Look. That shop has definitely improved.
♥ Moaning about every single thing in my life, it's just a habit I can't break. Everyone tells me to stop it, but then they always say they love me for it. That's just who I am!
♥ Crying at Titanic every single time I watch it. Not afraid to admit that! Oh, and I also cried like a baby when I watched Marley & Me! So so sad.
♥ Ordering the same thing everytime I get Chinese when I go home, definitely a guilty pleasure.
♥ Watching Come Dine with Me all the time. If I could watch it 24/7, I probably would.
♥ Overusing exclamation marks all the time, I can't seem to help it.
♥ That's me :)
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
My style inspiration #1
Ever since Dannii Minogue started working on the X Factor, I've fallen in love with her fashion sense. Every single outfit she puts together just works beautifully. From cute prom dresses to super gorgeous maxi dresses, every outfit I am insanely jealous of. She's grown into a true style queen, and she's so adorable and quirky. I also love how she can completely pull off the quirky and unique outfits that probably wouldn't suit anyone else, and then mixes it all up to look absolutely stunning on the red carpet. She's a true fashionista.

Saturday, 20 March 2010
new skirt
i bought this new skirt on wednesday from primark, and it was only £9, what a total bargain! i love it because it's got super cute bows all over it, and a huge bow across the top of the skirt as well. can't really see it that well in this picture, but trust me! anyway, it's high waisted which I was a bit dubious about at first, but then when I put it on with the rest of my outfit, I realised that it all goes really well together. I wore it out for nicole's early birthday celebrations, where we went to tgi fridays. i've dressed it down with flats, as i hardly ever wear heels, but I think it would look cute with black heels as well though. anyway, I thought I would post this as I just love it, although it's a really bad picture of me, and my room is a total mess :)
so happy
my laptop is finally working again, and I have absolutely no idea what I did to make it work, but, i'm happy! practically going to spend all day today doing Uni work, starting my feature and blog so I can hand in a first draft, finished my opinion piece and nearly finished making changes to my other feature as well. definitely don't want to have to do loads of work over easter, i want to go home to relax, not spend all my time working! anyway, the other reason I want to do it all today is because tomorrow I want to have a lazy day before I go out in the evening with the girls :) soo, on that note, I shouldn't be blogging, I should be getting my head down! x
Friday, 19 March 2010
my favourite magazine covers

i absolutely love both of these magazine covers. the first one, vanity fair, is just beautiful. they've portrayed kate winslet so stunningly natural, and i just love how at ease she looks with the camera. she's so gorgeous and she isn't afraid to bare all. i also really like her hair as well, it looks amazing and suits her so well.
the second front cover, by harper's bazaar, is so delicate and ethereal, and definitely my favourite. the cover is so simple, with literally no text whatsoever, that it all just works perfectly. the colour of her dress contrasts really well with the background and the colour of her hair/skin. she looks almost angelic, and both of these are definitely two of her best photoshoots she's ever done.
oh, i ♥ kate winslet
Thursday, 18 March 2010
i have to say
this is probably one of the most annoying articles i've ever read; personally
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
shall we proceed in getting on it?
i am super excited for nicole's early birthday celebrations; tgi fridays & then oceana. bought a new skirt to wear tonight, and i'm getting in the mood to! alice in wonderland was absolutely amazing, probably the best film i've seen in a very long time! i love films when they're in 3D, always makes them that extra bit special. i have vodka and coke waiting for me, and if it wasn't still so early, then i think i'd be quite tempted to start drinking, without trying to seem like a total alcoholic. had such a manic day today, had a tutorial this morning with my lecturer which went really well, handed in my research folder (finally!), went into town and then asda, and i'm finally back in halls doing absolutely nothing, before i have to start getting ready for tonight!
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Alice in Wonderland
I'm going to see Alice in Wonderland later today, and to say I'm excited is a total understatement. The whole film looks absolutely breathtaking, the characters are super cute, and I'm loving the outfits; quirky but cool. I love all things in 3D so that's another thing I'm unbearably excited about as well. I've heard mixed reviews about it, but until I've seen it, I can't form my own opinion. Keep you updated!
Monday, 15 March 2010
i'm sure I can justify it
after reading this month's company magazine, i can't believe how popular blogging has become! it's actually quite crazy, but at the same time, very smart. i started my blog at the end of last year, and since then, i absolutely love updating everyone on what is going on in lauren's world, the things i love and the things i hate. okay, so not everyone is going to be remotely interested in what i'm passionate about, but imagine writing something so inspiring, that you get discovered? i'm sure i'm not the only one that wouldn't mind being sat front row at new york fashion week! i've caught the fashion bug after being giving the amazing opportunity to go to Roland Mouret's fashion show at paris fashion week. seriously, no words can describe how amazing it was, and how privileged i really felt, especially when I saw anna wintour!
now don't get me wrong, i'm not someone that experiences with all these unique and crazy fashion trends. i'm pretty much set in my ways at the moment, i like what i wear, and i love the way i wear them. i am who i am, and i can't see me changing that for a while. anyway, after spending a few minutes browsing through some of the most popular fashion blogs, i have to admit that it makes me yearn to be adventurous with clothes, and be so bloody passionate about all the upcoming trends. however, as much as i love fashion, i'm really not a die hard fan.
my passion lies in magazines and writing; believe me when i say that i love to write. i could spend days on end writing about absolutely anything and everything, as long as it interests me more than 10%. if i could choose a particular subject, it would probably be columns circulating on celebrities, real life and funny experiences. my choices pretty much sum me up as a person, and i like to think that it comes through in my style of writing.
my favourite fashion blog is i think it's absolutely inspirational and pretty amazing that this girl is so involved in the fashion world, and writes with so much warmth and knowledge. if i didn't know, i honestly wouldn't think she was only 13 years old. pure respect!
to be honest, i think i've rambled on for quite enough now, so i'll leave you to bore yourself to sleep reading this, while i look at my striped socks and black patent shoes and think "why?"
now don't get me wrong, i'm not someone that experiences with all these unique and crazy fashion trends. i'm pretty much set in my ways at the moment, i like what i wear, and i love the way i wear them. i am who i am, and i can't see me changing that for a while. anyway, after spending a few minutes browsing through some of the most popular fashion blogs, i have to admit that it makes me yearn to be adventurous with clothes, and be so bloody passionate about all the upcoming trends. however, as much as i love fashion, i'm really not a die hard fan.
my passion lies in magazines and writing; believe me when i say that i love to write. i could spend days on end writing about absolutely anything and everything, as long as it interests me more than 10%. if i could choose a particular subject, it would probably be columns circulating on celebrities, real life and funny experiences. my choices pretty much sum me up as a person, and i like to think that it comes through in my style of writing.
my favourite fashion blog is i think it's absolutely inspirational and pretty amazing that this girl is so involved in the fashion world, and writes with so much warmth and knowledge. if i didn't know, i honestly wouldn't think she was only 13 years old. pure respect!
to be honest, i think i've rambled on for quite enough now, so i'll leave you to bore yourself to sleep reading this, while i look at my striped socks and black patent shoes and think "why?"
laptop stress
with only a month and a bit until deadlines, my laptop decides to completely not work. the only reason i'm able to write this is because i'm using safe mode, how lovely. to say that i'm panicking is probably a total understatement, and i'm hoping that it will get sorted pretty soon and also pretty quickly. thankfully, safe mode allows me to use the internet and also access my documents and pictures, and complete work. still, not really the point is it? complete hectic week coming up, and some pretty good things are happening as well, so i'm excited. seeing alice in wonderland tomorrow, which i'm quite psyched about, and then tgi's and oceana wednesday. went home this weekend just gone, and as always, i had a lovely time. just a shame it goes so quickly.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
hello spring
i'm loving all the spring outfits that are coming out in full force at the moment. from super cute dresses, to puff ball skirts, to straw hats and flower hair clips, everything is making me yearn for the summer.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Oscars 2010; Kate Winslet

I'm probably biased whenever it comes to Kate Winslet, but I honestly love every outfit that she's worn to award ceremonies. This particular dress is by Yves Saint Laurent, and it's absolutely beautiful. It compliments her English Rose complexion and blonde hair, and makes her look amazing. Apparently the necklace she was wearing is by Tiffany and it's estimated to be around $2.5 m! I love that she decided to keep her hair down for this, and I also really like the style as well. It's almost like old school glamour, and it fits in perfectly with the style and colour of her dress and shoes. Kate Winslet is flawless and beautiful, and once again, she's ticked all the right style boxes.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
The September Issue

I finally managed to get round to watching The September Issue and I can honestly say that it didn't disappoint. Circling around the making of the 2007 Vogue September issue, I wasn't sure what to expect. I've never been a huge fan of Vogue Magazine, mainly because it's always too expensive, but I'm certainly glad I caved in and gave the film a chance. Anna Wintour is fantastic throughout, and even though she comes across as rather terrifying, and can send you to pieces with just one glance, there are glimpses of a decent women. Grace Coddington, I thought, was an absolute legend. She's a genius in what she does, and the words of wisdom she has to offer. It was all an absolute pleasure to watch, and it gave me a great insight in to what the world of a magazine is really like. Even though it's a tough trade to get into, it's made me even more determined to succeed.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour (An Wins) is seriously my new idol. She's absolutely amazing, and the fact that I got to go to the same fashion show as her will forever be something I'll always remember. I just love how she wears huge, dark sunglasses sitting in the front row, and won't take them off throughout the whole of it. If something even remotely interests her, apparently she'll tip them down maybe about one or two inches. Simply brilliant. She's the one person that practically everyone is afraid of, she always looks so amazing and fashionable, and everyone looks up to her, and she has a huge fanbase. She's been the editor-in-chief for American Vogue since 1988, and since then, she's made every issue look fantastic. I have a hell of a lot of respect for her, and even though she would probably terrify the hell out of me, I would pretty much give anything to work for her.
I'm back
from Paris and I had an amazing time, I really did. Even though we were practically left to do our own thing all the time, and there was hardly anything planned, it was a brilliant trip. Me, Hayley and Nicole planned everything, and we did all of it off our own backs. We went right to the top of the Eiffel Tower, went shopping, looked round museums, had dinner, got tipsy and took a heck of a load of photographs. The weather was beautiful most of the time, even if it was quite cold and windy. Trying to figure out how to use the Metro and where we had to get on and off all the time was pretty confusing at first, but we worked it out in the end. However, we didn't really feel safe using it at like midnight, thanks lecturers!! If I'm honest, I could of arranged that trip better than them, personally :)
Anyway, I bought a lush I love Paris hoodie and it's so cosy and warm, I love it! & I also bought a French Vogue from June 1990, which is such a lovely soveniour, I just had to get it. Not going into Uni today, I'm absolutely cream crackered, so I'm spending my day seeing Charlie and then maybe popping into town :)
ciao x
Anyway, I bought a lush I love Paris hoodie and it's so cosy and warm, I love it! & I also bought a French Vogue from June 1990, which is such a lovely soveniour, I just had to get it. Not going into Uni today, I'm absolutely cream crackered, so I'm spending my day seeing Charlie and then maybe popping into town :)
ciao x
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
I am so knackered and I probably have the longest journey ahead of me today. Urgh, don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to going to Paris, but I just wish we could of had longer in bed. We supposedly don't get to Paris until 6pm, and that's with us heading off at 7am : Oh well, Eiffel Tower tonight, which shall be amazing! Have never been up there at night, so I'm excited to see it again! Definitely feeling a night out tomorrow as well, though knowing me I'll probably get lost! Aaaah so excited, must dash, gotta get ready!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
Stripped, back to basics, all out in the open.
Hi, I'm Lauren and I'm a total drama queen. I make mountains out of mole hills, exaggerate on pretty much everything, can never make a decision straight away, and I never know when to stop talking. I have an addiction, or shall I say obsession, with Michael Buble, my Blackberry, shopping, nice food and alcohol. My passion lies in writing features, columns, articles, anything that involves writing, I'll do it, and I'll love doing it. When I'm interested in something, you'll know about it. Five words to describe me would be; loud, funny, sarcastic, caring and weird. I love to make people laugh, and I also love to take photographs, especially now I have my beautiful new camera. I have ambitions, dreams, desires. I'm just like any other nineteen year old girl, and I know where I'm heading in life. I had an amazing childhood, and I couldn't ask for better parents. My friends have my back, and I have theirs. My life is all I've ever wanted it to be, and I pride myself on my sense of humour, my laid back attitude, my gift of being able to write, and having the gift of the gab. To be honest, I'm a pretty unique person, and that's just the way I like it. Can you say the same about yourself?
I get annoyed over the littlest things
I am dreadful sometimes, I really am. I over dramatise things way to much, and I act like the world is about to end. To be honest, everything I moan about isn't actually that much of a big deal either, which makes it quite funny, I guess. However, it really does irritate me when people do not email me back. Seriously, how hard is it to reply? Even I can do it, and that's saying something! Yes, I understand people have busy schedules, but is your life that wall to wall jam packed that you can't answer one measly email? No, I didn't think so.
Another thing that irritates the hell out of me is when people say they are going to do something, and then just don't. Either that be they're going to ring/text you, or come round at a certain time. I'm not being funny, but if you're not going to do it, then don't say you are in the first place. I can't be bothered with people like that, honestly does my head in to be honest!
Riiight, rant over! I think I needed to say all that to be honest! Paris on Thursday morning, and to say I'm excited is a total understatement! Got assigned our rooms today, and it's made it that little bit more real! Eeeek!
Another thing that irritates the hell out of me is when people say they are going to do something, and then just don't. Either that be they're going to ring/text you, or come round at a certain time. I'm not being funny, but if you're not going to do it, then don't say you are in the first place. I can't be bothered with people like that, honestly does my head in to be honest!
Riiight, rant over! I think I needed to say all that to be honest! Paris on Thursday morning, and to say I'm excited is a total understatement! Got assigned our rooms today, and it's made it that little bit more real! Eeeek!
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