However, I think out of all my Uni friends, I'm the one that's the most excited to leave. I find it so exhilarating that in a matter of months, I will be completely and utterly free of all Uni work and deadlines, and will be able to do whatever I like. I will no longer have nerves in my stomach waiting for my grades to come back, or even having to face some of my worst lecturers in the corridor. Obviously, I am going to have to search for a job/internship, and I understand that will be stressful in it's own way, but that's life. I also know that come May time, I will probably be sobbing into my vodka/lemon/lime at the thought of having to leave all my amazing Uni friends and the memories we have shared these past three years. It really is true what people say: Uni friends are for life. They are the people that you see almost every single day, and who know exactly what you are going through with the trials and tribulations of Uni life. If I'm honest, I couldn't have asked for better friends.
So right now, I'm trying to make the most of my time here at Uni, stop moaning about every little thing, and just embrace it. And when it's all done and dusted, I'm going to go out into the big, scary world and show them what I can do. I'm going to grab everything with both hands, and make sure my degree was worth every single penny.

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