Tuesday, 7 December 2010

I'm back!!

I'm back from New York, and I seriously had the most amazing time of my life. It's such a beautiful city, and you don't realise just how beautiful until you're standing there, surrounded by it all. We got there Thursday evening, and went straight to Times Square. One word: amazing! I've only ever seen pictures of it on the Internet, and standing in Times Square was just totally surreal. It just didn't feel like I was really there, but I soaked up every little thing. It's so amazingly busy and bustling, and I loved it. We were all exhausted from jet lag, but we were determined to make the most of every minute. We also went to Central Park, and we went ice skating (I didn't fall over, so proud of myself!!). We saw Ben Stiller (!!!!), because he was filming in the middle of Central Park, and we were standing right in front of him; so cool. Fifth Avenue is so amazing, and is definitely somewhere I want to live when I'm older. I bought far too many things, including Ugg boots, and a real Marc Jacobs purse! (More money than sense I'm thinking!!).

Seriously though, New York is definitely the best city in the world, and I had so much fun. Feel like I've gained far too much weight after the HUGE portions, but it was so worth it. The hostel where we stayed was pretty grim, and it kinda felt like I was staying in a prison cell, but that's just a minor detail I suppose. I'll post some pictures so you can see all the lovely little sights I saw :) enjoy!

HOW BIG are these portions?! It defeated me...

Chilling next to the film set, as you do.

Bloomingdales is my new love :)

Beautiful christmas tree.

The girls and I standing at the fountain used in Friends :)

Beautiful view from the Empire State Building

Empire State :) LOVED IT!

The biggest Barbie house I've ever seen; amazing!

Charlie and I with Minnie Mouse (see that bag? Wanted money!! Cheeky)

Good ole yellow cab!

Being the weirdos that we are :)

My favourite photo. Beautiful Times Square.

& again :)

Tiffany! I'm so rich ;)

I miss New York already, and it's definitely depressing being back in England, and having assignments and deadlines to face. Back to reality with a bang!



  1. New York is simply amazing isn't it?! Glad you had a good time sweet. Ooh, totally jealous that you saw Ben Stiller! I'm with you on the whole surreal feeling of it all. I was mesmerized. Haha, the food is just crazy isn't it?! Hope you get used to reality soon and have a lovely week!

  2. Yes we are known for our big Size plates hehehe :]
