Sunday, 7 November 2010

Loads of things at once..

So yesterday, I finally got round to buying my copy of Glamour Magazine, and bagged myself the free nail varnish that everyone has been going on about. I was after Savile Row because it looked such a gorgeous colour, and I was 100% right. I applied it last night, and it's the most beautiful colour I've ever seen. It applied really easily, and didn't take that long to dry either; result! (& the colour matches my newly dyed hair) ;)

On another note, I also bought Cosmopolitan as well and wow, one of the best issues by far. As we all know, Cosmo is mainly all about sex, men and relationships, and while the majority of it this month was still all about those particular subjects, there was also stories in there that really got me thinking. The Cosmo Ultimate Women Awards took place only a few days ago, and reading all about how inspirational they are really made me think how much I take for granted. Will post another blog post about this later on, just because I have so much to say about it. Basically, I loved it! :)

Speaking of Cosmo, I'm going to London this Wednesday to interview Rosie Mullender, who is Senior Features Editor there. The reason for it is for one of my Uni assignments, where we have to interview someone in the Industry. The reason I chose Rosie is because I love reading her monthly column in the magazine, and also because she's doing the job that I want to do when I graduate from University. To say I'm scared would be a complete understatement, as I'm totally rubbish at interviews! So fingers crossed it all goes okay, and wish me luck! Eeek :)

Speaking of Uni, it is seriously stressing me out. I have SO much work to complete, and deadlines are looming. I'm determined to get the majority of my work completed before I go to New York, which means I seriously have to get my head down and work super hard! This is the only thing that's stopping me from getting stupidly excited about the Big Apple! Gah, I hate pressure.

Anyway, I'm suppose to be planning features and starting my essay, but once again, I've been side tracked with blogging. Hope you're all having a super fab weekend!

p.s, if you buy Cosmo, or have already bought it, let me know what you thought of it all :)



  1. Might have to get cosmo this month! not really into reading loads about sex cus I dont like being told how to have it hahah! xx

  2. Ha yes exactly, it does get a bit tedious/annoying after a while! This months definitely outweighs that though! xx
